Monday, November 3, 2008


Yea soo I ant bloged in over a fucking year. Wow. Soo every things that's went on in the past year. WOW. There's not even enough time in one day to tell you everythng.ha.
But I'll make it short.
Lets see I finally gotta job I was working At Rite-Aid. And I got my self a brand new car. and everything. Was doing good. And then one day my sister "fell down the steps" And I took her to the hospital and I got fired over it because I didnt call in and tell them what was going on .Soo I didnt work all summer partyed hard. Got in some trouble blah blah blah yea. lol. And then I found my self another job had to stop smoking pot. And all that good stuff. Moved in with my Aunt Barb. And then one day I got kicked outta my parents house soo I moved in with Ray up in Mansfield ((Ray got out on my birthday by the way =) )) And we lived up there for awhil eI got my self a job working for some sand niggers. And I fell throw the floorr. And then Rays uncel didnt need him to work any more and they didnt want to cut the wood for the house so we moved back in with his mom. It's going good soo far I guess. besides I cant find a job and got my car taken away. But besided that's it's all gravay babt..... Lol. That's it the end.

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