Monday, March 12, 2007

wat a night... WOW....

yea soo i desided that i was going to go to a party in smethport.... with NO ONE I knew..... except for 2 people.... yea... dumb idea... it was going all sweel....

we started drinking at like 3..... and we were all just playing cards and shit...... then some more people showed up.. it was funn.... all the guyz were playing video gamez and shit...BORING.... but w/e.... then these gurls showed up.... and they brought strawberry's.... then we all started drinking strawberry daquaries... it was funn ((didnt puke... and DIDNT get mean and bett the shit outta ne one))..... then this one guy Adam... got all pissed off and shit... and started braking shit.. he broke 4 windowz and like 2 doorz... soo then someone said something bout hiding... soo i went in the bathroom.. and was hiding... i ran outta drink.. soo i went to get up and get more... but i droped the cup... it broke... soo i dove onto the floor.. looking for it... and then i picked it up throw it in the toilet... and flushed....... most of it went down lol...

i went out.. and was chillin an shit... and this fucking fat bitch... walked into Adam's house... and was like....YEA... EVERYONE OUT... noowwww.... and she came up to me... and was like.... i said EVERYONE OUT NOWW... or ima call the copz.....

as SOOON as i heard the word COPZ... i was OUT... and i went fast......

me Brandon... an Paul.. RAN for the door.. put our shoez on... and ran like hell.......((note i have NEVER been to smethport in muh life... and i was TRASHED))....... i got to like the dg and this guy called me....((i was pretending to b some Amy the whole nite... dont ask??)) soo then i was like omfg omfg omfg i aint got ne where to go... the party i was just at is gettin busted... and yea.. omfg omfg omfg... soo then he was like want me to come get u.. andi was like YEA.... i got like 5 dollz... for gas .... come get me NOWW.... then... Janel called me and was like omg omg where are u... and i was like..... i dont know... i dont know... but im gettin outta here.... sooo then she came and got me an we went to her g-ma's house..... haha WHAT A FUCKING NITE... WOWIE....!!!

oa yea byyy the way.... nice meeting u....
and sorri bout i dont reamber the other kids name... Doug maybe??? idk

NICE MEETING U... lol <33

1 comment:

Kendra4206969 said...