Sunday, February 11, 2007

yea... soo i think the reason i like that song ((sitting at a bar)) is cause thats the way i see muh life going down.... umm hmm just if u get a chaance u GOT to download it and just lissin to the word u'll understand :D

1 comment:

Kendra4206969 said...

here is how I see it.......

**8years from now**

Bj and Kendra both marry some massive druggy PILL POPPERS......

Kendra separates from her husband for a while and has an apt. of her own.

Bj smokes pot gets busted...goes home to find her husband high as always and he starts flippin out on her and he's a bj calls Kendra whom lives maybe 20mins away and asks if Bj can stay at Kendra's house AGAIN ((this happens quite often))

so bj leaves her house...goes to the bar and waits for me to come get her n while shes waiting she is having a drunken convo about how her life sux with the bartender and then i get there and we talk cuz we are bestfriends like that .....

and then it happens to me where i have to stay at ur house

man our lives are gonna suck lmao