Sunday, July 15, 2007

I knew it was toooo good to b tru.... 2 months and 18 dayz ((as off 7/15/07)) and now its all down the drain...... FUCK....

stupid fucking people need to stop running there fucking mouths... god.. fucking damn it... and just let people b happy for once........SHIT.....

((I still luv u and WONT ever stop......))

Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's love

Oh how i love this boi <3333
Yea soo i came home for a couple dayz cause me and Ray were fighting over stupid shit ((I dont know how to communicate)) and we figured spend a couple dayz apart cause he had appointments and shit and work to do.... and I could come home and hang out..... with muh mom and dad and friend that i aint seen all summer and shit right.....

well i just found out that after his appointment this morning he took off with his Edd friend..... to New York and dont plan on comeing back till tom. .... im kinda pissed... but then kinda not....Cause that was the whole plan... take some time away from each other soo we both can go do our own thing....... but then I am pissed cause.... he said ihad to go home so he could "work" an soo i didnt have to sit around his house all day being bored and shit... soo i wouldnt get pissed off.... right..... but NOOOOO he fucking took off with his friend.... w/ee.....

And Robin was telling me last night that.... he said a buncha shit when he went down to her house... bout him waking up in the middle of the night and me not being there... not being ne wheres even in the fucking house......

kinda weird... kinda scares me... cause iknow i use to sleep walk and shit... and go outside to pet muh dog.... and he lived out in the middle of no where.... and if im walkking outside in the darkkk AHHHHHHH...... lol

But what ever ima not worrri bout it that much......

even tho i dont like Edd..... and I dont like the girls he hangs out with cause there a bbuncha whores.... UGHHH....

O well i think i trust him


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I want that /\ buy it for me and i'll love ya forever....

((its like muh NEW fav word and i NEED it lol))
Fights SUCK.... special the day b4 i go home... cause the i fell like shit the whole time im home......

And now im worried cause muh boyfriend Dont fell good and he wont even talk to me on the phone....:( o well i hope he gets better....

nitenite <33